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Andorian's Shop

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I have taught English, EAL, French, Spanish and Italian. I love to use images. I like to make short activities, useful for starters or fillers.




I have taught English, EAL, French, Spanish and Italian. I love to use images. I like to make short activities, useful for starters or fillers.
King Salvo and the Wise Witch.

King Salvo and the Wise Witch.

Short story, with a lot of synonyms and paraphrasing to make it a language learning experience. A witch casts a spell on the king, but ultimately, will it help him become a better king? Various exercises, including one on open and closed questions, and ideas provided at the end. You could use it as reading practice, or with older students, as a model for a tale with a moral.
Policeman punches innocent female bystander

Policeman punches innocent female bystander

A short article adapted from a newspaper, with exercises and a link to the youtube clip. I used this with my EAL class and it provoked a debate about the police. Why did he do it? He just snapped: why? What should happen now? Etc...
How To Describe a Picture

How To Describe a Picture

This is a guide on how to describe a picture. It's useful for mainstream teachers to use as an exercise or wall chart and also as a hand out to students. I love the picture! Who are they? What were they doing?
My Nice Flower

My Nice Flower

I am making this into a wall display as I think it looks great! Adjectives can be added as you go along. Here, it is presented as a worksheet.
Of Mice and Men: five by five

Of Mice and Men: five by five

There are 25 statements, some true, some false. The students have to correct the false statements. Ask them to shade the true statements and there is a hidden letter N, so you can check if they got it right. Then, ask them to read out or discuss their corrections in pairs and this leads to whole class discussion.
Lion Rescue

Lion Rescue

A reading passage with language activities, about the wonderfully heart-warming rescue by the Yorkshire Wildlife Safari Park of 13 lions who had been living in cramped cages in Romania. I did this as part of a project on lions and am still trying to arrange to take my students to the safari park. One day! There are plenty of youtube clips about this.
Snow Fun Time

Snow Fun Time

A great picture, with two pages of activities: counting, follow the instructions to colour in, rearrange the letters to make the words, true and false and answer the questions.
Picnic in the Park

Picnic in the Park

This is a great nostalgic picture, with exercises to reinforce the present continuous and past simple tenses for EAL students. I play 'Splat!' and memory games with this kind of thing. I was kindly given permission to use the picture.
The Best of British

The Best of British

This is a great set of typical British things, and the words for a match-up activity. It makes a great starter, but not beyond year 7. I played Splat! with my students. (Two students come up to the board, then I say an item and the first to touch it is the winner.) Then, I put them in groups and gave each group three images to mind map. Next, the groups moved round to see if anything could be added. We discussed which things they had seen/experienced and which things were a bit old-fashioned or out of date. Thanks to YourJigsawPuzzles for permission to use the montage.
Macbeth Mind map

Macbeth Mind map

This is a number of great stills, which the students mind map, or think, pair, share. They need to place the pictures in context and say: Who? Where? When? What did...? Why did they...? How did s/he feel? What did they say? What happened just before? What happened afterwards? Etc...
Six Starters using a Grid

Six Starters using a Grid

Here is a selection of fun starters/ activities using a grid. Only one needs any preparation; you can just go with the others. Adaptable to most subject matter.
Famous Quotations

Famous Quotations

Quotes on various areas of life: happiness, success, family, technology in the classroom etc.... The students analyse, compare and contrast and make up their own. Each slide could be used as a starter to get your students thinking or to promote debate. They could end by producing an inspirational poster.
President Trump: for and against

President Trump: for and against

There are two lists, one taking a positive view of a Trump action, and the other, a negative take. The students match these up, then describe what the images represent. Finally, they weigh up their own opinions about Trump’s policies. This sheet could be used in a debate about Trump. Obviously, this is not an exhaustive list, but hopefully it will encourage them to find out more. Actually, I have put quite a bit of effort into this, so I hope it will be useful!
Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood

This is a play with 9 parts (easily adaptable). I am doing a topic on fairy tales, leading on to Shrek. I acted this out with my EAL students.
Witches for Halloween!

Witches for Halloween!

Six witches, each with an exercise. After completing the exercises, they can cut them up, jumble them, then match the right passage to the picture before sticking in their books. Just a bit of fun!